Flute Specialists, Inc.
Flute Specialists, Inc. is a leading Flute sales and service company serving international flutists and their families. They provide free, objective consultations for instrument purchases or repairs. This level of service and sensitivity results in Flute Specialists, Inc. being one of the most highly-regarded flute and piccolo sales and repair companies in the nation. They hold that all flutists, whether professional musicians, educators, amateurs or intermediate or beginning level players, deserve the services of a highly skilled and experienced repair facility for all repairs from minor adjustments to complete overhauls. A properly maintained and repaired flute is a more enjoyable instrument to play as well as a protected investment. They believe in helping you find the right instrument for your performance needs or helping you get the most out of the instrument you now own.
Flute Specialists
606 Rochester Rd S
Clawson, MI 48017